Performing your best on the dance floor starts with feeling your best.
Check out all these great tips to build the strength, flexibility, and fitness levels required to keep you healthy all season long.
Using Your Ballet Foot Stretcher - Tips from A Physical Therapist
Follow along as Dr. Nina demonstrates proper technique to safely use the Pointe Perfect Foot Stretcher to improve flexibility and build stronger and more beautiful lines in your feet.
Dancers face the constant challenge of preventing injuries while maintaining peak performance. This guide gives dancers practical advice for building strength and flexibility for a healthy dance journey.
Self-care is vital for dancers, who rely on their bodies to express artistry and athleticism. Foundational tips to incorporate into your dance routine for optimal performance and health.
5 Ways Dancers Reduce & Prevent Muscle Soreness After Training
As a dancer you are no stranger to the aches and pains that often accompany your rigorous training routines. This article covers 5 ways dancers alleviate and prevent muscle soreness...
The Dance Buddy Portable Massager recognized as a practical and effective solution to help dancers recover quickly, reducing many of the common pains and injuries experienced from hours of training.
Dr. Nina demonstrates two exercises you can perform at home to build and develop your muscles for those impressive and beautiful huge leaps and jumps while dancing.
Follow along with Dr. Nina Geromel as she demonstrates 4 exercises and stretches for your upper and lower back. These exercises will assist you with gaining tall, upright posture for long...
Follow along with Dr. Nina Geromel, Physical Therapist, as she demonstrates massages and exercises to alleviate and prevent knee pains common while dancing.
Follow along with Dr. Nina Geromel, Physical Therapist as she guides you through a series of exercises that will improve your balance by activating your core and glute muscles for stabilization.
Dr. Nina demonstrates a warmup routine focusing on several major muscle groups used while dancing. This includes your whole lower body including feet, calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hips along with your...
In this video Cindy will taking you through one of her favorite 10-minute foot & ankle routines. This warm up routine and series of exercises helps dancers build strength and flexibility...
Dancers face the constant challenge of preventing injuries while maintaining peak performance. This guide gives dancers practical advice for building strength and flexibility for a healthy dance journey.
Follow along with Dr. Nina Geromel as she demonstrates 4 exercises and stretches for your upper and lower back. These exercises will assist you with gaining tall, upright posture for long beautiful lines while dancing.
Follow along with Dr. Nina Geromel, Physical Therapist as she guides you through a series of exercises that will improve your balance by activating your core and glute muscles for stabilization.